
Lockdown start

 So I want to talk about when we first went into lockdown. I mean hard lockdown. Level 5. I went to the shops a few days after it had just started. At first, everything looked like it usually did. There were the same number of cars on the road. People were going about their lives as best they could. But when we got to the car park, that was when it started to hit me that things were not "normal" anymore. The carpark was half empty. Your hands had to be sanitized before you walked in the front door. Right down the middle of the passage, between the shops, was a big divider (like they have in the banks for the queues) with arrows pointing "in" and "out" of the shopping mall. Half of the shopping centre was blocked off because they are not "essential" shops. You had to queue to go into a shop and the queues looked even longer because of social distancing. There were security personne, outside the enterances/exists, with guns! On my way back home, I went past a carpark with only one car in it. 

When I got home, I just sat on my couch and I cried. It was just so much all at once. It was just so...sad and terrible. I knew it was going to be different, but not like that. It was just...that. And I didn't know how to deal with it. I had no previous knowledge to help me.
