
Making appointments

I hate phoning people. I especially hate phoning to make an appointment to see a doctor or specialist. The day online appointment came for making making appointments was like a "godsend" in my life.

I put it off as long as I can. When I do eventually have to do it, my heart starts racing, I get nervous and my palms start sweating. When they phone is ringing, I hope that they don't answer, unless I need them to. If they don't answer and I get their answering machine or voicemail, I'm not leaving a message. Forget it. People seem to have different approaches to this: you can do what I do, you can try and get someone else to phone for you or "just put your head down" and phone. The last one is what my dad wishes I would do, even though he also hates phoning people. He says he is trying to prepare me for when he has died. It feels more like being forced into torture. Maybe I will get used to phoning people one day. But not leaving voicemail or answering machine messages.
