

I seem to go through these phases where I am absolutely obsessed with something. I have to know absolutely everything about it. I have to go onto the internet and find out absolutely everything about it. Absolutely everything about it's history and everything related to it. When I was a child, I had an old Disney puzzle. It was a 1981 Disney Fantasy puzzle. I must have built that thing 100 times. I would build it, leave it for a while, break it apart and then build it again but in a different way. Eventually my mom got angry with me and asked me why I was always doing it. I couldn't explain to her why I needed to do that. I just had to do that over and over again. But now, if it's a video game, I will play it over and over and over again. I will go onto it's wiki page and read all about it. I will read all the trivia about the game, the easter eggs, about the characters, about the locations in the game, about the music, walkthroughs. Absolutely everything I can about this game, I will find it. I even play it in different ways. If it has to do with my herbs, I own a few books about herbs and gardening. I have a few books about dogs. I have two books about horses. I have watched my DVDs over and over, including the "special content" extras. I have multiple recipes for making the same thing. If I am looking for a certain thing, which is usually a game, I will go after it until I find it or discover it no longer exists. I say this is "My Aspergers taking over." And then, sometimes, my obsession *poof* just suddenly ends. Just like that. Only to be replaced with another one.
