

This is a photo of Zoe sitting on my lawn. It was taken just after a morning run on a Saturday.
For as long as I can remember, I can taste things I shouldn't be able to. It started off being able to taste spray deodorant. Then it became "purple medicine tastes like grapes." And 4 tastes like brown. In the game Empire Earth ( ) when my civilians were chopping wood, it made me think of chocolate. Later, it became that I can taste colours. My mom asked me to taste something, to see if it had gone off, and I said "I think so. It tastes like pink." And, at round about the same time, I noticed that when I watched certain programs (such as Medical Detectives/ Forensic Files and they showed footage from the interrogation room, and that footage had a certain buzz and look to it, I got a sour taste in my mouth. I still get that sour taste in my mouth, but now it's because of the radio presenters broadcasting from home due to corona and the sound that causes. When I hear extremely loud noises, I only see white. It turns out I could be a Synesthete, a person who has the gift of Synesthesia. Basically, it is when two of your senses "wiring" gets crossed. Now I have something else in common with some celebrities. Hooray for me!
