
Touch and clothing

When I was younger, and still today, I hated wearing certain items of clothing. I still do. Unfortunately for my mother, I didn't like wearing the pyjammas, that she made for me, simply because they were itchy. When I wear shoes that need socks (which is practically every single day) the handlinked seem of the toe (of the sock) has to go over my toes. If it goes anywhere near the Proximal Nail Fold, it is uncomfortable and hurts slightly.

I have certain items of clothing that I wear together. I do that so that they don't irritate me. Buf if I have to wear a jacket and a long sleeve top that has a wide neck, I try to pull the top closer to my neck to stop the jacket from potentially annoying me. When I buy clothing, the item has to go through a "chech-list" before I even try it on: Do I like the colour? Do they have a size that fits me? Does it look itchy? Does it have any annoying and unneccessary seams? Then, if I do try it on, it has another list to do through: Can I breathe? Is it itchy? Can I get out of it? The last question is because I have scoliosis, so it only applies to things with sleeves. My jeans (and shorts) are never tight because I can feel my leg hairs rubbing against the denim. It doesn't matter if I have shaved or not, I can still feel it happening. And I really don't like it. It is very uncomfortable and irritating
