
19 July 2003

Dear Diary😢

Today my dog had to be taken to the vet because of her breathing. I donated blood for the 3rd time. My mom got really angry at my dad, threw the breadrolls 🍞 across the table (they hit me!) I made my lunch, went to my room and started crying. My mom came in, saw me crying and we talked about it. I asked her "Why don't you get some help?" And she said "You were there with daddy. Why didn't you help him?" (We were at the shops, he couldn't find anyone to help him find something, so he just didn't get it.) I said "I mean with your marriage!" and she said that she didn't think daddy would be interested in getting help. My dad got angry at me (I wouldn't let him touch me on my arm.) He got even more cross with me because I didn't give him a good enough reason. (See page inserted for more details) 

(Page inserted)

19 July 2003

My arm and my dad:

I was sitting watching T.V. My dad put his hand on my arm and I sort-of pushed him away with my arm. He said :What's wrong with you girl? What the HELL has gotten into you? Why can't I touch you?" My mom caame out from the bathroom and said "Why are you moaning at Keren?"

Dad: "I just touched her arm with my hand and she pushed me away!"


Then my dad carries on moaning at me and telling me that people are going to want a reason for everything and I just tell them "Because I didn't feel like it." Then he told me that "From now on I'm going to hammer you to give me a reason because you are nearly 17 and I think it is truly disgusting that at that age you don't have a reason for anything! And believe me, you will thank me for it one day. Believe me, you will!"

This is the shelf that contains most of my teddy bears.
My bedroom at the time. I know the date is wrong.
