
Not "...enough"

 I sometimes get the feeling that I'm not whatever "enough." Like I'm not Aspie enough, I'm not female/feminine enough, I'm not tall enough, I'm not short enough, I'm not young enough, I'm not short enough, I'm not good enough to ever be number one in anyone's life, like I am not daughter enough. 

A photo of the brick I am working on at the moment.
The brick I am currently working on.

I also get the feeling that, at any moment, someone is going to walk up to me, point a finger right in my face, and shout, in a very loud voice "I DON'T THINK YOU DO ACTUALLY HAVE ASPERGER'S SYNDROME! I THINK YOU ARE A FAKE! I THINK YOU HAVE BEEN LYING TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON THIS ENTIRE TIME!"

It's not nice feeling like someone's about to accuse you of not being something that you actually are. It's the complete opposite of every crime show, ever made, in the entire history of the world. I also get the feeling that I am not "daughter enough" and that I am slowly being replaced by someone else as a better family member. 

I also, sometimes, get the feeling that I'm not a good enough friend. I don't know what to do about it because have much experience with being a friend so I don't have a large "pool" of knowledge about how to fix this situation. Any ideas would be welcomed.
