

 The entertainment world has started placing Autistic characters in their productions. I think that is a very good thing because it can help alot of people. Quite a few people have discovered that they are on the spectrum because of this. It has helped to "de-mystify" this spectrum that many of us find ourselves on. My mom discovered that I am on the spectrum because of an interview, that just happened to see, on a morning news program.

However, I do also feel that they should do more to try and avoid putting us into a little box. In my experience, when an Aspie is on T.V. or in a movie, they are usually a little boy. Or, if the character is an adult female, they have very obvious symptoms. A character such as Dr. Brennan in "Bones" is an Aspie, but not the "male" type of Aspie. She prefers working, but doesn't seem uncomfortable in a group of people. She communicates very well, but she is very direct. She makes eye contact very well. She can ride a bike. You should watch the show. It is one of my favourites. I own all of the DVD's. 

All I am trying tp say is that I feel the entertainment industry (video gaming industry included) can do alot more work towards including Aspie females with female characteristics instead of male characteristics. I think I need to stop this post here because I need to go and make supper.


carmel said…
Totally true. Just wondering out loud, forgive me if I'm wrong, but would Newt Scamander be an example of another Male on the spectrum? One of my favorite characters.