
3 November 2011

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Date: 3 November 2011

Dear Diary:

There are two sides to me. The "normal" me and the "Aspie" me. At any time, either one can take over. "Normal" mode I also call my "stand-by" mode. I think I'm probably in my "Aspie" mode about half of the time. When I'm at the shops, I'm usually in "normal"* mode, until someone invades my space. Some people say "There's nothing wrong with you." Or "You're normal." Or "You're fine." And I say to them "I'm an Aspie."


Let me explain the "There's nothing wrong with you. You're fine." And my response. They were saying those things the same way you would say "Oh this person is sick." Or "This person needs to take medication." And I'm just like "No, I'm not sick and I don't need medication. I have Asperger's Syndrome." 

*In this situation, it has now been changed to "Synth" mode
