
First day at work

 I had my first day of work today. 

I started out nervous, which is understandable. I haven't done transcription work for more than 5 years, which is why I was a bit nervous. I wanted to do a short, 5 minute file, just to get me back into "the swing of things."  All of thing ones, that I previewed, were in foreign languages (chinese, what sounded like Arabic, and Spanish) or the quality was so poor that I couldn't understand much. 

So then I had a listen to the 10 to 20 minute files and picked one of those.

I started off confident. Then I was happy. Then I felt 😐. Then I started getting annoyed. By the end of it (which took me about 4 hours because I had to research things and relisten to what the people were saying) I was just like "Be gone you demon spawn!" I know I won't receive full marks because I got a man's name wrong. But I gave it my best shot. I will try again tomorrow.
