
A relative of mine

 A relative of mine is going to retire in a few months. I don't know how I feel about that. I knew it was going to happen at some point but it's still stressing me out because things are going to change. If I had my way, no one would ever full retire. People would be mostly (about 90% retired) but not completely retired. That way they still get to mostly enjoy not working anymore but the business doesn't loose all of that experience the person has gained.

I am fully aware that this is not about me. But it will affect me. Atleast in one way it will. My ability to earn money. You see, she can be quite loud sometimes. If I am trying to record (or hear) something, I need it to be as quiet as possible. It is already too noisy with my fridge and my dog. I don't need it to be any more noisy. 
