
So how's your day going?

 Your day has got to be going better than mine. How do I know this? Mine started with me getting sick extremely early this morning. And then, at the same time, I messed myself. In my onesie. So I had to sleep with almost nothing on.

I considered sleeping on the bathroom floor.

I could only start healing myself hours later. Fun times! I had no helpful medication and the nearest medical centre was closed until later that morning. This is how my morning went:

  • hear rumbling in my stomach
  • Feel squishing going on in my stomach
  • Run to the basin to vomit into and remove underwear to avoid having an accident again.
  • Quickly sit on toilet to use. Sometimes vomit into basin at the same time (they are very close)
  • Eventually start crying on toilet since I had been doing this for about 5 hours.
  • Try and sleep (and fail) in bed.
At about 9, I got to the doctor. I was as white as office paper! While we were driving there, I said to my dad, when he said that there might be lots of people in the waiting room since it is a public holiday and "first come, first served" on public holidays, I replied " I will just tell them all to leave."

I was examined by the doctor and he discovered I had injested a water parasite. This happened because I was drinking tap water that was infected with it since we are going through a drought. He also discovered that, because I had been spewing out of both ends, I was dehydrated.

I was put onto an I.V. drip for nearly 2 hours, which eventually hurt my back.

Now I have 4 different medications I need to take and a general list of what I can, and can't, do and eat until I get better.

The scary part is:
I had this thing inside me for about 3 days!
