
And they say I have problem.

 Once a week, I have a bath. On the other nights I have a shower. I bath because I find it is very uncomfortable for me to shave in the shower.

It was on one of these nights that I heard the subject of this post.

After we have had supper we have to rinse our plates before they get washed. 

So I rinsed my plate and walked down the passage to go and have my bath. But my dad had not rinsed his plate. He just left the table and went to the bathroom (not the same one that I was going to use, though). 

The new Mrs. followed him down the passage and asked him to come and rinse his plate. His response was this: "Gees Louise! For pitty's sake girl!" That just made me think "And people say that I have a problem with communication." I know that I do not have the world's greatest communication skills. I have been told that I speak in riddles sometimes, but I do not speak like that to people. Not often anyway. And he regularly does that. Even to me sometimes. So do I confront him about it or do nothing about it? I've spoken to my mom about it and she is just like "Yes well doesn't have people skills." And I tell her that's no excuse for being rude.
